OUT NOW: Operation Overlord

13th November 2019

The international best-selling series - Operation Overlord - is out now in an English-language graphic novel for the first time.

Featuring four extraordinary tales of heroism set during the World War II Normandy landings on D-Day, this critically-acclaimed collection tells true stories from the biggest amphibious landing in history.

On June 6th 1944, the Allies launched a huge offensive in Normandy in order to rid Europe of the Nazi terror. The strategic and human scale of the operation, led by General Eisenhower, has never been equalled as some 132,000 men were transported by sea and a further 24,000 came by air - all headed for five sweeping beaches on the French coast.

Everyone had their story, their dreams, their motivations. Everyone would live with the horror of war in their own way. Not everyone would come back ...

Stories include:


June 1944: the Allies launch a grand offensive in Normandy in order to definitively rid Europe of the Nazi terror. The strategic and human scale of the operation, led by General Eisenhower, is unequalled. No less than 160,000 troops will be deployed on five beaches in northern France.

Omaha Beach

Normandy. G.I.s from Easy Company are briefed on Operation Overlord and beside them is Robert Capa, a war photographer, who will capture the indiscriminate killing of the day as death will not choose only one side. Germans and Americans endure bullets and mortars as their blood dyes the sand of the infamous Omaha Beach.

The Merville Gun Battery

Bulford Camp has a faithfully reconstructed replica of the Merville gun battery, a strategic D-Day objective. This German artillery piece threatens Sword Beach and must at all costs be dismantled to facilitate the landing of Allied forces on the beaches of Normandy. Adrien Bellefontaine, a Canadian artist, is part of the paratrooper unit who must protect the left flank of the battalion taking the battery and this is his story.

Commando Kieffer

Sergeant Clague films the final preparaions for Operation Overlord. Among the forces involved there is a single French commando unit, led by Kieffer. They will land with the British forces and their mission is to clear out Ouistreham, join the 6th Airborne on the bridges of the Orne and then march on the Amfreville. The mission will be difficult and their daredevl commander plans losses of 50%, they will succeed or die in the process.