Who are The Vigilant? Meet Pete’s Pocket Army!

14th August 2018

It came whoosing out of the sky like a giant comet - but this other-worldly visitor brought more than fire and fear! Soon, young Pete Parker would find a new gang of friends who may be small in stature but they're big in friendship! With just a day to go until The Vigilant hits shelves, we're giving readers the chance to discover the first appearances of some of the classic characters revived in this brand new title! First appearing in Buster in 1973 and created by Tom Tully and Francisco Solano Lopez, Pete's Pocket Army saw six tiny aliens crash land on Earth and then adopt young Pete Parker. These alien castaways – Kon-Dar, Dokk, Moonie, Grunf, Tigg and Zapp – lived in his pockets and spent their time helping Pete get even with school bullies and Pete’s sneaky cousin, Julie.
Read the first episode of Pete's Pockey Army >>
Pete Parker and his diminutive alien chums are just one of the classic series being revived and rebooted in The Vigilant, out on 15th August! When the evil forces of Von Hoffman and Dr Mesmer team up and pluck the immortal Adam Eterno from the winds of time, all of reality is under threat! Only The Vigilant; a mighty team composed of super-beings, warlocks, warriors and monsters stand between us and total chaos! Join The Leopard from Lime Street, Steel Commando, Dr. Sin, Pete's Pocket Army, Blake Edmonds, Yao, and Thunderbolt the Avenger on their premiere adventure! This much-anticipated US-format reboot and reinvention of classic British characters from the 1970s and 1980s features the work of Simon Furman (Transformers), Simon Coleby (Judge Dredd), DaNi (Judge Anderson), Henrik Sahlstrom (Vice Press), Staz Johnson (Catwoman) and many more!
Order The Vigilant in UK and Ireland >> Order The Vigiliant in North America >>
Watch out for the final firsts from the cast of The Vigilant as we had towards V-Day on 15th August!